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- HTTX 1.1b
- Title: MIDIPlayer
- Contents of the MIDPLAYR Directory...
- CATSP180 Catsplay V1.80: MS-Windows 3.1 application that allows you to
- play all .MID/.WAV sound files.
- DROPIT Drag and drop Windows 3.1 WAV & MID player
- MIDJB104 MIDI Jukebox plays multiple MIDI files.
- PLAY2 Play MIDI File Player Version 2.0.
- MIMCPY10.ZIP A kind of CD player for MIDI manipulator
- PLAY21D.ZIP Play MIDI File Player Version 2.1b
- PLAYPAK.ZIP MIDI File Player Utilities.
- PLAY_SMF.ZIP Simple Play and Record MIDI file utilities.
- SONGPLAY.ZIP MIDI Song Player V1.0 - Standard MIDI file player that uses
- Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions or Windows 3.1.
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